Video on ‘Science of Pyramids’ A Pyramid is a structure or construction or monument with the square as the base and four triangular sloping sides meeting at a common point on the vertex at the apex. Each triangular sloping face is an isosceles triangle, with the two sloping sides being equal. The length of the equal sides are all equal and are similar to each other and of equal area. The name comes from the Greek word “pyramis”.

What is Pyramid

Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji realized the power of Meditation through his own profound experiences early in his life, in his thirties, and attained enlightenment in the year 1979. Ever since, he made as his life mission .. the objective of teaching and promoting Meditation and Vegetarianism to people all over the world. His approach is .. scientific and secular .. without invoking any religious symbolism. Patriji’s dream is to create ‘Pyramid Bharat’ by the year 2020 and ‘Pyramid Jagat’ by the year 2024.

The structural design of a Pyramid consists of three-dimensional triangles, with large bases tapering towards the top and four faces with an accurate or ‘golden angle of inclination’ at 51° 51′ 51″. Due to it’s shape and angle the structure gets aligned perfectly to the Earth’s magnetic field there by making it the greatest receiver and transmitter of cosmic energy. ‘Pyro’ means ‘fire’ or energy and ‘amid’ means ‘centre’ or within; hence, Pyramid is a device with energy at its centre. This is the reason for their being the storehouses of energy drawn from the universe. Ancient Egyptians utilized the concept when they built Pyramids more than 10,000 years ago.

Pyramid Meditation - Patriji
Pyramid Meditation – Patriji

Meditation done inside or underneath a Pyramid is called ‘Pyramid Meditation’. Pyramid Meditation is thrice more powerful compared to Meditation done otherwise. For those who wish to make a start, Pyramid Meditation is the best way to experience high-energy environments in no time. Most people who have tried Pyramid Meditation have experienced complete relaxation of their body, shutting out of all external stimuli including thoughts and finally achieved an altered state of consciousness which allows them to concentrate on deeper inner level. During Pyramid Meditation session, electromagnetic and chemical reactions take place in our body. Every cell is activated to it’s full potential and is cleansed from all toxins thereby eliminates many ailments totally when practiced continuously. A perfect harmony is created between the Mind, Body and Soul.

Brahmarshi Patriji: personally conducted numerous experiments with Pyramids and Pyramid Meditation way back in the year 1982 and his experiences established a fact that the grand structure was the greatest receiver, amplifier and transmitter of universal conscious energy otherwise known as cosmic energy. His experiences ignited and generated a need for him to share his learning with entire humankind thus paving way for the start of a New Age Movement – Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement. Patriji promoted and is promoting extensively the power of pyramids and found many means and ways to use pyramid energy for enriching lives of people across the globe. After studying the day to day needs of many people, he found that the pyramid energy could be used by all for preservation, healing, meditation and out-of-body experiences. Pyramids have to be aligned to perfect North, South, East and West directions so the maximum amount of Cosmic Energy is accumulated at 1/3rd of its height from the base. This area is called as the King’s Chamber.

Preservation – When food is placed inside a Pyramid for two to three days longer than food that is placed outside, the Pyramids ‘amplify’ information of whatever is placed inside it. So more the information the food receives about itself, lesser are the chances for imperfections in it’s constituents which would attract harmful microorganisms. What follows eventually is a slower or complete prevention of the growth of microbes. Hence milk, fruits, vegetables or any other food items placed in Pyramids remain fresh for longer periods and attain more taste. Horticulturists have found that seeds placed in Pyramids before sowing provide better yield.
Healing – Body exposure to Pyramid energy for a few minutes a day has an everlasting positive effect on the health front. This is because Pyramids generate negative ions which have a positive influence on our bodies. Ions are atoms with an extra electron or a less electron. Ions reproduce and repair body cells. They are transmitted into the body through the air and are circulated by the blood. Too many positive ions created by air pollution can cause depression or sickness. Negative ions have a favorable effect on the body. For example, if one is exposed to too much pollution, one feels sick or get nausea. This is the effect of positive ions. In contrast, one feels different after a heavy rainfall or while sitting near a waterfall. This is due to the effect of more negative ions in the air. Since Pyramids can generate negative ions, they have a balancing effect on the electromagnetic field of the body and we are able to achieve calm state of mind or nothingness, which is a huge rocket sign in the path of spiritual progression.
Meditation & Out of Body Experiences – Pyramid Meditation is the best way to get rid of all physical and mental ailments, which are interrelated. All physical afflictions are because of mental worries and all mental worries are because of intellectual immaturity. And intellectual immaturity is due to total lack of spiritual energy and spiritual wisdom. Through Meditation, we get abundant spiritual energy and spiritual wisdom and hence the intellect becomes truly mature, all mental worries disappear.. thereby the consequent result is that all physical afflictions disappear. Pyramids give out bio-energy fields that have the power to speed up our body’s recovery process. Hence, the Pyramids increase resistance to diseases, give relief, and cure common ailments i.e., asthma, toothache, migraine, cold, high B.P., arthritis, palpitation of heart, epilepsy, insomnia; helps digestion; reduces tension; makes skin healthy and youthful. It is easier to concentrate and arrive at the thoughtless state under Pyramids. Many meditation experiences including out-of-body experiences like ‘astral travel’ are much easier if practiced inside Pyramids.

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